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Happy Smile

Serving generations of families for 25 years!

At Lady Bay Dental Care, our patients are always in the know when it comes to their oral health.


During your check-up, you are given a detailed treatment plan. This document outlines what treatment your dentist has recommended, and the costs for any treatments you've been interested in to keep you in complete control!




A full comprehensive check up including oral cancer screening. Nothing rushed, no judgement and we listen to you.

Adult Dental Examinations
Gum Disease (Periodontal) Treatment


Our hygiene team are experienced in helping to prevent teeth becoming loose, tooth loss and gum recession. With proven links to heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer's it is essential we are on top of this for you.


£150 per tooth

If needed, we will ensure your treatment is gentle and pain-free.

Dental Implants

From £3000 per tooth

If you have a missing tooth, then a dental implant is often the best solution for replacement. Dental implants are a fixed solution for missing teeth that are the closest possible replacement for natural teeth. 

Child Dental Examinations




We love seeing our younger patients! We believe in positive early experiences and we will always ensure your child leaves with a smile and looking forward to their next visit.


£120 - £175 per tooth

Composite or 'white' fillings have a more natural appearance than traditional options. The composite material is used to be a closer match to the shade of your tooth, so they’re almost unnoticeable and are able to mimic natural teeth.


 £295 - £345 per tooth

A surgical extraction is a more complex procedure and is carried out by our in house dentist with a specialist interest in oral surgery, to ensure you are in experienced and expert hands.

Nightguards & Retainers

 £135 each

After braces or to prevent you needing them, retainers are a great solution to keeping your teeth straight. If you are grinding or clenching due to stress or habits then night time protection may be needed.



£10 each


Comfortable, quick and safe.


£645 per tooth

Dental crowns are tooth-shaped “caps” that can be placed over your existing tooth. The crown restores the tooth’s shape, size, strength and appearance. This treatment and cost is usually split over 2 visits.  If your tooth is broken down or damaged, they are a great way to prolong the life and keep you chewing properly.

Teeth Whitening


A bright smile speaks volumes and gives you confidence.  Professional teeth whitening is the safest and best way to brighten your smile. We take moulds to create custom made whitening trays so you can whiten your teeth from home. The cost is usually split across 2-3 visits: Moulds - Fitting - Review.  Both we and our patients love the results.

Facial Aesthetics


From £250 

Subtle and safe, our expert facial aesthetician can help you achieve confidence and bring out then best version of you with simple and effective treatments.

Hygiene Treatment



A regular professional treatment along side your check up is the best way to minimise the need for dental treatment.  Keeping your teeth free of plaque, tartar and staining is a fantastic way to help you achieve and maintain good oral health, fresher breath and to look after any work you have had done in the past.

Root Canal

£650 per tooth

Root canal treatment is a complex dental procedure.  In most cases, this treatment can be done in the hope of saving a tooth that may otherwise have to be extracted. We have our own in house root canal dentist (endodontist) to ensure your treatment is carried out comfortably, pain-free and to the highest possible standard.


£695 per tooth

Veneers generally cover the front surface of the tooth and will mimic the size, shape and colour of your teeth, creating a natural look. Veneers are an effective solution to stained, chipped, misshapen or worn down teeth. They can also be used to cover gaps in teeth where alternative treatments may not be suitable.

Clear Aligners

Average £3,950 inc. retainers.


Price dependent on complexity. SPARK aligners are the most discreet and most comfortable alternative to braces where you can gradually straighten teeth using a series of virtually invisible trays.

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